Worker Accommodation
Worker accommodation plays a critical role in supporting a successful tourism industry on Wadjemup / Rottnest Island. A shortage of staff housing has the potential to limit business growth and visitor service quality.
Recognising this challenge, the Rottnest Island Management Plan 2023-28 outlines the need to facilitate new accommodation and hospitality developments. To support these initiatives, additional worker accommodation will be necessary.
Rottnest Island Authority is planning to develop new worker accommodation that will support island businesses, enhance the visitor experience, and meet growing tourism needs for Wadjemup / Rottnest Island.
The proposed development will provide self-contained accommodation for up to 336 Rottnest Island workers. Implemented in stages to minimise disruption and align with increasing visitor numbers, the project is scheduled for completion by 2030.
Key benefits
Key dates
Frequently asked questions
The new worker accommodation will be located on Parker Point Road.
This location was identified as part of the Rottnest Island Management Plan 2023-28's Land Use Plan, following a period of public consultation. This Land Use Plan clearly sets out the boundary of the settlement for the purpose of accommodation development. Importantly, the remaining 85 per cent of the island is a designated reserve for the purpose of conservation and recreation.
The primary site identified for new worker accommodation at Parker Point Road offers topography suitable for development and can be easily serviced with utilities and infrastructure.
The development will be designed in accordance with Rottnest's Design Guidelines, recognising the constraints of the site. The development is dependent upon relevant environmental approvals, including a native vegetation clearing permit from the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation.
We are working closely with relevant authorities to ensure all environmental risks are mitigated, and the development appropriately addresses sustainability guidelines.
Public consultation occurred between 7 October and 28 October 2024. All feedback will be reviewed and considered in the development of the final design. A summary of feedback will be available on this page once collated and reviewed by Rottnest Island Authority.
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